dimanche 31 mai 2009

Patchogue-Medford School District Seals another Classroom Because of Asbestos

"A second school in the Patchogue-Medford school system has sealed off a classroom as a precautionary measure. The Patchogue-Medford school district, located in New York State, is currently being rocked by asbestos scandals. School officials have stated that the closure of the classroom is a precaution only. Classroom No. 119 at the Oregon Middle School [...]" (2009-5-31)

samedi 30 mai 2009

Syracuse, NY Environmental Lab Charged with Falsifying Reports

"A federal grand jury has indicted a Syracuse, New York environmental laboratory that is believed to have been part of a conspiracy to falsify asbestos reports on local homes, schools, and businesses. Certified Environmental Services (CES) and five of its employees have been charged with 16 felony counts in the U.S. District Court in Syracuse.
The [...]"

vendredi 29 mai 2009

Teacher's Union Says Welsh Schools are Ticking Asbestos Time Bombs

"Teacher's Union Says Welsh Schools are Ticking Asbestos Time Bombs
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Asbestos Activist to Raise Mesothelioma Awareness by Cycling 1,200 Miles

"An asbestos campaigner in Great Britain is preparing for a 1,200 mile bicycle journey in hopes of raising awareness on the dangers of asbestos exposure.
Jason Addy, an activist with the organization Save Spodden Valley, hopes to raise money to be donated to  the search for a cure for asbestos-related cancers.  Addy will be joined by [...]"

School in Illinois to Remove Asbestos

"Dewey Elementary School in Evanston, Illinois has unveiled a $3.3-million addition plan. In addition to providing much needed extra space, the plan will also involved removing toxic asbestos fibers from the school. Asbestos is a toxic material that was once a popular component of building materials such as insulation, tiles, and fireproofing.
Asbestos is now [...]"

Oregon Developer Faces Felony Asbestos Charges

"A Eugene, Oregon developer is facing asbestos-related felony charges, and will have to appear in court in August. Eugene’s Dan Desler appeared in Linn County Circuit Court yesterday, and was granted the August continuance at the behest of his attorney. Meanwhile, federal officials are preparing to clean up the asbestos-contaminated site using EPA Superfund money. [...]" (2009-5-29)

jeudi 28 mai 2009

Knapp to Pay Record Fine for Des Moines Asbestos Errors

"Knapp to Pay Record Fine for Des Moines Asbestos Errors
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British asbestos activist to cycle 1,200 miles to raise mesothelioma awareness

"Brit Jason Addy, an activist with the group Save Spodden Valley, is gearing up for a 1,200 bike ride from Glasgow to Southhampton to raise awareness about the terrible impact of asbestos exposure on the victims of mesothelioma. His epic cycling journey is scheduled to begin on June 20, 2009.
For five years, Save Spodden ..."

Mesothelioma Symposium to be Held in Washington, D.C.

"The 2009 International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma will be held Thursday, June 25 through Saturday, June 27 in Washington, D.C. at the Omni Shoreham Hotel. The event is organized by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and will feature international mesothelioma experts, patients, advocates and caregivers.
The specialists participating in the three-day symposium will update attendees on [...]"

mercredi 27 mai 2009

Mesothelioma and chrysotile asbestos reports finally released by Health Canada

"Following accusations that the Ottawa government has attempted to bury the scientific reports confirming the relationship between exposure to chrysotile asbestos and asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma, see related story, the Canadian government finally has released two reports that were completed more than a year ago.
A six-member expert panel commissioned by Health Canada ..."

Midtown Plaza in Rochester to Receive Asbestos Abatement

"According to a press release issued by the city of Rochester, New York, the Empire State Development Corporation has approved the asbestos removal contracts for Midtown Plaza.
The two companies that were awarded the contracts include Cambria Contracting, Inc. and Paradigm Environmental Services, Inc. The funds for the asbestos abatement and air monitoring project stem from [...]"

Massachusetts Elementary School Sends Students Home Due to Presence of Asbestos

"Massachusetts Elementary School Sends Students Home Due to Presence of Asbestos
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Mass. woman still on the run from asbestos crimes

"Albania Deleon of North Andover, Massachusetts owned and ran Environmental Compliance Training (ECT), New England’s largest asbestos training school. But instead of training her students, she simply sold certificates that claimed the holder was qualified to handle asbestos work. For $400, the school would provide an asbestos abatement certificate that allowed workers to ..." (2009-5-27)

mardi 26 mai 2009

Asbestos Issues Will Linger in Libby, Montana

"For the residents of Libby, Montana, the word “asbestos” conjures up fear, resentment, anger, and worry. Now that the W. R. Grace trial has ended, those who live in this small, close-knit mountain town just want to move on.
Libby was once home to a W. R. Grace vermiculite mine. Founded in 1854 by an [...]"

Mesothelioma sufferers in Libby to get new healthcare grant

"Senator Max Baucus of Montana has fought hard for those who in Libby, Montana who suffer with mesothelioma, lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases. Hundreds in Libby suffer with these diseases because W.R. Grace’s vermiculite mine there contaminated the town with tremolite asbestos fibers.
Now Sen. Baucus has announced that a $6 million ..."

Asbestos Violations Result in Fines for Oregon City

"The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fined the city of Central Point $815 for violating several asbestos-related regulations.
Though only a small amount of asbestos was found in the debris remaining from the demolition of a 100-year-old house in February 2009, the city was given three multipart citations for issues ranging from not informing [...]"

Officials Find a Cost-Effective Way to Remove Asbestos

"City officials in Chaffee Crossing, Arkansas have found a way to remove asbestos from 100 acres of land at a fraction of the original cost. City officials hope to use a method devised by an Atlanta businessman to drastically cut the costs associated with asbestos removal. The original cost quoted to remove the asbestos was [...]" (2009-5-26)

Asbestos Abatement Causes Health Concerns Among U. N. Workers

"Asbestos Abatement Causes Health Concerns Among U. N. Workers
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Asbestos hazard slows New Jersey firehouse project

"In Vineland, New Jersey, officials want to clear away the structures that now stand at 810 E. Chestnut Avenue to make room for a new fire station for 24 volunteer firefighters. The structures that will need to be cleared of asbestos and demolished include an old schoolhouse, a warehouse and offices.
The city ..."

United Nations Team Completes Asbestos Study in Gaza

"An expert team of United Nations workers have completed their field work for a study of asbestos contamination resulting from recent combat on the Gaza strip. The team of eight experts from the United Nations’ Environment Program spent 10 days in Gaza studying various other environmental issues. In addition to asbestos-related issues, the team studied [...]" (2009-5-26)

Oklahoma Fire Raises Asbestos Concerns

"A fire last week at Farmer’s Furniture in Salisaw, Oklahoma has many locals wondering if asbestos may have become airborne during the blaze.
Farmer’s Furniture was located in a historic 110-year old building. The blaze started Tuesday afternoon, and firefighters continued to fight the inferno through Wednesday.
The fire quickly grew into an out-ofcontrol blaze, filling the [...]"

90-Year Old Veteran Suffering from Asbestos Disease

"World War II veteran Merle Kalp is 90 years old, and suffers from an asbestos-related lung condition. But despite his age and waning health, Kalp took the time to attend a military ceremony for his great-granddaughter.
Maria Quatse wanted her great-grandfather to be the one to pin her newly earned Air Force lieutenant bars on her [...]"

dimanche 24 mai 2009

Iowa Developer Must Pay Record Fine for Asbestos Violations

"Iowa Developer Must Pay Record Fine for Asbestos Violations
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vendredi 22 mai 2009

W.R. Grace will give money for medical care of Libby’s mesothelioma sufferers

"W. R. Grace & Co. has announced that it will donate $250,000 to St. John’s Lutheran Hospital—the only hospital in Libby, Montana—for the treatment of asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma. See W.R. Grace’s Press Release. This was the tenth year W.R. Grace has contributed to St. Luke’s.
Hospital CEO Bill Patten thanked W.R. Grace for ..."

Congressman Dennis Kucinich Proposes Asbestos Reduction Bill

"A proposal introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio) and four other congressmen has paved the way for the World Bank to finalize a new policy that will significantly decrease the use of asbestos in new construction projects for developing countries.
Representatives hope this effort will increase awareness of the health risks associated with occupational asbestos exposure. [...]"

Will Mesothelioma risk in shipbreaking decline?

"We recently reported that international meetings were going on to discuss how to decrease the health and environmental risks associated with shipbreaking. Because of the large quantities of asbestos that were used on many older ships, malignant mesothelioma is a serious risk. See related story.
Sixty-three countries have now adopted a U.N. convention, drafted ..."

Massachusetts Town Moves Forward with Asbestos Removal

"On Monday evening, the Town Meeting for officials in Somerset, Massachusetts passed a warrant item for funding repairs and asbestos removal for a local school.
Asbestos is a known carcinogen linked to asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a disease with a long latency period, meaning that many sufferers of the disease do not develop [...]"

Mesothelioma Treatment for Libby Residents Remains Funded by W.R. Grace

"W.R. Grace & Company has recently announced their renewal of a $250,000 donation to the St. John’s Lutheran Hospital in Libby, Montana. Grace, who operated an asbestos-contaminated vermiculite mine in the area, is contributing the donation for the tenth consecutive year.
St. John’s is a charitable medical facility that provides healthcare to all the residents of [...]"

Maine Has Highest in Mesothelioma Rate in Nation

"NIOSH Says Maine Highest in Mesothelioma
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New Hampshire man gets 6 days jail time for asbestos violations

"Paul Davis of Winchester, New Hampshire has been sentenced to a year in jail and a $3,000 fine for violating asbestos laws during an asbestos removal project. The judge suspended all but 6 days of the sentence.
Only a licensed asbestos abatement contractor can perform asbestos removal, and very specific procedures are required ..."

Senator Tester Proposes Asbestos Cleanup Plan for Libby

"Senator Jon Tester has suggested a new plan that will help clean up the town of Libby, Montana and promote better health care for victims of asbestos exposure.
The town of Libby is the site where W.R. Grace & Company operated a toxic vermiculite mine that was contaminated with asbestos. Outside of the mine, asbestos contaminated [...]"

Tester calls on fed agencies to come together over Libby asbestos problem

"The small town of Libby, Montana has been dealing with high levels of asbestos contamination for decades. Asbestos was disbursed throughout the town from W.R. Grace’s vermiculite mining operations. The vermiculite ore was contaminated with tremolite asbestos.
Cleanup of the area has been a long-term project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ..."

In NYC, Unemployed Construction Workers Signing up for Asbestos Classes

"Unemployment among construction workers nationwide is running close to 20 percent. In New York City, many construction workers are looking to distinguish themselves from other unemployed workers in the same field by undertaking additional training, including asbestos abatement education.
Asbestos removal is an important part of construction and renovation, as many older buildings contain the deadly [...]"

Asbestos, Black Mold a Problem at Ohio College Campus

"At Morgens Hall on the University of Cincinnati campus, students are concerned about ongoing asbestos and mold issues plaguing the building.
Both black mold and asbestos are highly toxic, and can cause severe respiratory problems. Asbestos is known to cause deadly medical conditions such as asbestosis or mesothelioma. Asbestosis, a chronic scarring of the lungs, has [...]"

jeudi 21 mai 2009

Mesothelioma Patient Inspires Fundraisers

"Several friends have been gathering Sunday evenings to prepare delicious meals as part of “Cook for the Cure,” a charitable group organized to raise money for mesothelioma patient Shanna Kurtz.
Though members from Cook for the Cure have been meeting for only a month, the group has raised more than $1,100. The money collected will be [...]"

New mesothelioma treatment shows initial success

"According to Nashville-based Neoplas Innovation, the first mesothelioma patient to be treated with its new treatment protocol has responded favorably. The treatment protocol, which has been tested on a number of other aggressive cancers, involves a combination of low-dose interferon and lovastatin.
This initial test patient was not been helped by standard mesothelioma ..."

Tennessee Man Seeking Asbestos Compensation

"94-year-old Rubert Ellington of Tennessee is currently seeking $2.5 million in damages from his former employers. Ellington claims his former employers have damaged his health. Asbestos exposure is linked to the eventual development of asbestosis, lung cancer, respiratory ailments and mesothelioma cancer.
Ellington blames Illinois Central Railroad and BNSF for asbestos-related damages. Ellington claims he [...]"

Asbestos-Laden Abandoned Apartments Raise Concern

"Asbestos-Laden Abandoned Apartments Raise Concern
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Jesusita Fire in California raise asbestos concerns

"Authorities in Santa Barbara County have warned residents to be especially cautious of handling ash left behind the Jesusita Fire. All sorts of particulates in the air can be irritants and dangerous to those who are sensitive because of age or illness.
Asbestos in settled ash deposits and airborne asbestos create a very ..."

Canadian Politician Wants to Cut Government's Promotion of Asbestos

"Canadian Politician Wants to Cut Government's Promotion of Asbestos
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New studies of mesothelioma drug to be revealed

"At the end of this month, Eli Lilly and Co. will present the newest research on the effectiveness of its prominent mesothelioma drug Alimta as well as Gemzar, which is sometimes also used to treat mesothelioma, and the investigational drug enzastaurin. In addition to being a treatment of choice (with cisplatin) for mesothelioma patients ..." (2009-5-15)

New Texas Bill May Ease Litigation Process for Mesothelioma Patients

"Victims of asbestos exposure may experience greater ease in filing asbestos lawsuits due to a new bill introduced in the Texas Senate. Dubbed the “mesothelioma Senate Bill 1123,” this new legislation, if passed, may ease the requirements for plaintiffs who file a lawsuit to seek compensation following an asbestos-related disease diagnosis.
Introduced by Senator Robert Duncan, [...]"

EPA brownfields grants provide for environmental cleanup and economic development

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides brownfields grants to communities to help fund the cleanup of toxic substances so that properties can become productive again. Without these funds, asbestos and other toxins can block redevelopment efforts—and even demolition. When these contaminated sites remain vacant, they are a danger to the community. Arson ..." (2009-5-15)

Asbestos Halts Demolition of Florida Condo Tower - Owners Face Modest Fine

"Asbestos Halts Demolition of Florida Condo Tower - Owners Face Modest Fine
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Navy Vet Receives Settlement in Asbestos Case

"A former U.S. Navy machinist has won just over $12 million in damages in a Los Angeles County Court case.
The former machinist developed a terminal illness after he was exposed to asbestos while working on a Navy ship during the 1960s. Asbestos illnesses are not uncommon in Navy veterans.
The jury ruled on the case [...]"

Asbestos Hearing in Illinois Today

"Earlier this year, an asbestos contamination scandal made headlines when it was discovered that areas of the Illinois Beach State Park had tested positive for the deadly carcinogen.
Now, officials have announced that they will be holding a hearing about this deadly contamination this afternoon.
Community members who are concerned about the asbestos contamination issues and ongoing [...]"

Mesothelioma Patient, U.S. Navy Machinist Receives $12 Million in Asbestos Lawsuit

"A mesothelioma patient and former United States Navy machinist won $12.1 million in damages after filing a lawsuit against a manufacturer and supplier of an asbestos-contaminated product.
Charles H. Cundiff, 66, was awarded $10 million May 6, 2009 by a Los Angeles County jury for pain and suffering and $506,000 in economic damages for lost wages. [...]"

Is safer ship recycling coming?

"Older ships are filled with a large variety of asbestos containing products, and when these ships reach the end of their active lives, that asbestos must be dealt with. After decades on the high seas, ships are often taken to India, Bangladesh and other developing nations to be dismantled. Workers in the shipbreaking ..." (2009-5-14)

Not Guilty Verdict in W.R. Grace & Co. Criminal Case

"Not Guilty Verdict in W.R. Grace & Co. Criminal Case
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Largest Asbestos Penalty Issued for Iowa

"According to a news release issued by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, Equitable L.P. has been forced to pay a $500,000 fine for failing to perform safe asbestos renovations while working on the historic Equitable Building in downtown Des Moines.
“This is the largest civil penalty by far in Iowa for asbestos violations,” said Miller. “We [...]"

Mesothelioma allegedly caused by human rights violations

"In dockyards around the world, workers historically suffered serious and chronic asbestos exposure, which has caused some to develop mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer and other illnesses. In most western nations, asbestos exposure has been curtailed, but in some developing countries asbestos use continues to rise and workers are at increasing risk.
A number of dockyard ..."

Mesothelioma kills Bishop of Peterborough

"Bishop Ian Cundy has died of pleural mesothelioma after collapsing on his way to visit family. He was 64 years old. Bishop Cundy was diagnosed with the disease in 2007 and recently, after undergoing chemotherapy, he was told that the cancer had spread.
Pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer associated with asbestos ..."

Surgery Component of Mesothelioma Treatment Plan Deemed Effective in Study

"A specific type of surgery performed as a component of a treatment plan designed for patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma was deemed effective prior to chemotherapy treatment by a study presented at the 2009 European Multidisciplinary Conference in Thoracic Oncology.
The surgical procedure known as a pleurectomy/decortication (a type of surgery involving the removal of the [...]"

Families of Libby’s mesothelioma victims disappointed at W.R. Grace “not guilty” verdict

"At the end of last week, a Montana federal jury acquitted asbestos manufacturer W.R. Grace and three of its former executives in a criminal trial based on allegations that they conspired to hide the asbestos hazards from the company’s vermiculite mining operations. The company operated a vermiculite mine just outside of the small town ..." (2009-5-12)

Jury Announces First Verdict in W.R. Grace Asbestos Trial

"A jury near Libby, Montana has recently acquitted W.R. Grace & Company and three of its former executives of knowingly exposing mine workers and Libby residents to asbestos.
Fred Festa, who is chairman, president and CEO of W.R. Grace, said, “We at Grace are gratified by today’s verdict and thank the men and women of the [...]"

Soldiers sue defense contractors for burning asbestos and other toxic waste in Iraq

"Two soldiers who served in Iraq have filed suit against a number of defense contractors they say burned toxic waste—including asbestos insulation, plastic, rubber tires and latrine waste—near military bases and camps in Iraq and Afghanistan and endangered the health of U.S. servicemen. The lawsuit names the following companies as defendants: KBR Inc.; ..." (2009-5-11)

Mesothelioma is not a risk worth taking—even for the story

"It’s a cliché to hear a journalist say “anything for the story,” but of course, there must be limits. One good limit is to stop short of creating a risk of mesothelioma to yourself and others. Even a very great story for the high school paper isn’t worth risking asbestos exposure.
Apparently one high ..."

Bishop Dies of Mesothelioma

"The Bishop of Peterborough, Right Reverend Ian Cundy passed away suddenly May 7, 2009 while traveling to a family event. After collapsing abruptly, Bishop Cundy was taken by ambulance to Swindon General Hospital in the United Kingdom where he was pronounced dead.
Bishop Cundy was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused almost exclusively by asbestos [...]"

Des Moines developer hit with $500,000 fine for asbestos violations

"Des Moines developer Bob Knapp has agreed to a $500,000 fine for asbestos violations in the renovation of a building in downtown Des Moines, Iowa. The 19-story historic building was found to have asbestos throughout, and the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission passed the case to the Iowa Attorney General’s office because the highest fine ..." (2009-5-8)

Libby’s mesothelioma victims await the jury’s verdict in W.R. Grace trial

"The whole country has followed the eleven week criminal trial against asbestos manufacturer W.R. Grace and a handful of its former executives. But nowhere has it been watched with more intensity than in Libby, Montana, where asbestos contamination from W.R. Grace’s vermiculite mine has caused hundreds to die of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases. ..." (2009-5-7)

Jurors Hear Closing Arguments in Grace Case

"Jurors Hear Closing Arguments in Grace Case
Lawyers from both sides presented their closing arguments Wednesday as the W.R. Grace & Co. trial comes to a close.
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Mesothelioma gene ratio test predicts disease progression post-surgery

"Doctors at the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) recently completed a study of the effectiveness of a gene ratio test in predicting the course of a patient’s disease after surgery. The gene ratio test was previously developed by physicians at the IMP, a project of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.
The study ..."

Texas Senate Passes Mesothelioma Causation Bill

"Texas Senate Passes Mesothelioma Causation Bill
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Norwalk, Conn. provides environmental remediation training

"The City of Norwalk is offering its residents free job training in the remediation of asbestos and other environmental hazards. The program is made possible through an EPA brownfields grant. The 8-week, hands-on course will prepare trainees for work as environmental technicians.
At the completion of the course, graduates will receive certification ..."

Gene Expression Ratio Test Can Predict Survival in Mesothelioma Cases

"Gene Expression Ratio Test Can Predict Survival in Mesothelioma Cases
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Illinois Supreme Court Reverses Asbestos Rule

"Illinois Supreme Court Reverses Lipke Rule
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Mesothelioma and other cancers continuing risk for firefighters

"Firefighters face many risks at work—from the immediate hazards of fire, smoke and unstable structures to long-term stress and exposure to carcinogens. Mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer are known risks to firefighters because so many older structures, where the risk of fire is highest, are filled with asbestos-containing materials. As these materials deteriorate ..." (2009-5-4)

Asbestos complicates development of hike and bike trails

"Asbestos fire blocks used in an old railroad trestle across the Kanawha River in West Virginia are causing a problem as Charleston officials try to incorporate the trestle into a planned hike and bike trail. Asbestos blocks along the trestle have helped prevent the spread of fires, but they are beginning to fall off ..." (2009-5-4)

Rosetta Genomics mesothelioma test licensed to Prometheus Labs

"Rosetta Genomics announced earlier this year that its microRNA-based mesothelioma test, miRview™ meso, was being produced in the company’s labs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was available to physicians. See related story. The test represented a significant step forward in allowing physicians to easily and definitively distinguish between pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer. ..." (2009-5-1)

Mesothelioma deaths recognized at Workers Memorial Day

"Among the many causes of occupational injury, on this Workers Memorial Day, mesothelioma was recognized as a cause of occupational death among workers. At the annual ceremony by Minnesota’s Building Trades union, officials read the name of three workers who died in the last year. Two were pipefitters who died of the ..." (2009-5-1)

Former Penn. asbestos dump designated Superfund site

"The U.S. EPA has added a former asbestos dump in Ambler, Pennsylvania to the Superfund cleanup list. It will join more than 1,500 sites designated for cleanup by the EPA to protect public health. The EPA is concerned that asbestos from the site could become airborne or be washed into nearby creeks, exposing ..." (2009-4-30)

Mesothelioma victims misled by James Hardie about compensation

"In a lawsuit filed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission, an Australian court has held that 10 former executives of James Hardie Industries misled mesothelioma victims by suggesting that the company had set aside adequate funds to compensate asbestos victims. The court said that an announcement in 2001 that the company’s fund would ..." (2009-4-29)

Prosecutors dismiss one defendant, but Judge lets Libby criminal case continue

"Asbestos from the W.R. Grace vermiculite mine near Libby, Montana has caused hundreds to develop mesothelioma, lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases. Evidence shows that W.R. Grace and many of its top executives knew about the danger to the company’s employees and to Libby residents but they did nothing to stop it. In ..." (2009-4-29)

Details of W.R. Grace asbestos coverup revealed in bankruptcy case

"Federal prosecutors have struggled with matching evidence of W.R. Grace’s knowledge of the asbestos risk from its Libby vermiculite mine with specific violations of the Clean Air Act, enacted the same year the W.R. Grace mine closed. But in the W.R. Grace bankruptcy case, without the limitations and time restrictions of the statute, many ..." (2009-4-28)

Mesothelioma victims frustrated with evidence rulings in W.R. Grace trial

"Prosecutors are nearing the end of their case against W.R. Grace and five of its former executives for violations of the Clean Air Act in exposing residents of Libby, Montana to dangerous asbestos fibers from its vermiculite mine. And things are not going as smoothly as hoped.
The judge excluded much of the ..."

Mesothelioma tracked by location

"Mesothelioma does not strike all communities evenly. The rate of the disease varies significantly by geographic location, and this variation generally can be attributed to patterns of industrial development that are equated with high rates of asbestos exposure.
For example, along the coasts, where the ship-building industry was very active around World War ..."

Mass. AG files complaint against company for dumping asbestos waste

"The Massachusetts Attorney General has filed a complaint against a Weymouth company for dumping asbestos-containing waste at Middleboro and Wareham properties. The company failed to pay a penalty of $108,000 that had been assessed against it. The complaint alleges that the company has failed to take responsibility and seeks up to $324,000—three times ..." (2009-4-24)

Mesothelioma risk buried by Ottawa government, scientist alleges

"Trevor Ogden is the British scientist who headed the Health Canada panel that studied the risk of mesothelioma and other cancers from Canadian chrysotile asbestos. Dr. Ogden says that the Ottawa government tried to suppress the panel’s report because it was a threat to the Canadian province’s asbestos industry. Canadian asbestos is exported ..." (2009-4-22)

Mass. woman skips court date for faking asbestos training

"Albania DeLeon, owner of an asbestos training school in Methuen, Massachusetts, failed to appear for sentencing in federal court in Boston after being convicted of falsifying asbestos training certificates. An arrest warrant has been issued.
DeLeon’s company, Environmental Compliance Training, was the largest asbestos training school in Massachusetts. DeLeon was convicted of selling phony ..."

World Health Organization affirms mesothelioma risk from all asbestos types

"The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has confirmed that all types of commercial asbestos—including chrysotile asbestos, the type most commonly used in the United States—cause mesothelioma, lung cancer and laryngeal cancer. At its most recent meeting, IARC also reported that the evidence supports the conclusion asbestos exposure also causes ..." (2009-4-21)

Ohio wrecking company hit with air pollution fines

"Eslich Wrecking Co. of Louisville was fined $16,294 for air quality violations in its East Akron stone-crushing business. The company’s dust control was found inadequate in a 2003 inspection.
The company and its owner already paid nearly $100,000 in 2007 for illegal disposal of asbestos materials and other violations associated with the demolition ..."

Wisconsin offering free asbestos removal education on April 7

"The Wisconsin Dept of Health Services is offering free educational sessions on safe handling and removal procedures for asbestos and other hazardous materials on April 7th from 1 to 5 pm at Northcentral Technical College. In these sessions, health department officials will share information on the regulations governing asbestos removal.
Asbestos is still ..."

No more asbestos inspections in Michigan?

"According to Alex Sagady, an environmental consultant, the 2009-2010 budget proposed by Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm does not provide for state asbestos inspections that would normally enforce clean air standards during asbestos-related renovations, demolition and waste disposal.
Although the federal regulations themselves would remain in effect, without inspections to ensure compliance, they cannot be as ..."

Mass. company fined for asbestos violations

"Environmental Source Corp. of Lawrence, Massachusetts has been fined $18,137 by the Mass. Dep’t of Environmental Protection for asbestos violations during the company’s removal of asbestos siding from a home. When the Mass. DEP responded to a complaint, officials found broken asbestos materials lying on the ground.
When asbestos products are broken or ..."