samedi 31 janvier 2009

Oklahoma City School Approved for Reopening after Asbestos Removal

"School Approved for Reopening after Asbestos Removal
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vendredi 30 janvier 2009

World's First Asbestos Research Center Opens in Sydney

"World's First Asbestos Research Center Opens in Sydney
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Steps to Prevent Mesothelioma Will Begin Next Year in South Korea

"According to Environment Minister Lee Maan-ee, the government of South Korea plans to establish asbestos management guidelines that will take into effect as early as next year. All buildings, facilities, and closed asbestos mines in South Korea will be inspected before guidelines are made.
“In the past, we didn’t know how asbestos could affect our health [...]"

Report: Asbestos In “Most” UK Schools

"Recent reports from the United Kingdom states that at least 95% of school buildings in Sussex contain asbestos. In fact, an article in The Argus, a Sussex news source, claims that 185 of the county’s 195 school buildings contain some kind of asbestos product, including insulation or ceiling tiles.
The vast majority of the school [...]"

More Asbestos Found At Lake Forest College

"Employees at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Illinois discovered asbestos in Harlan Hall this week, but college officials say that their “proactive” approach to removing the hazardous material will keep students and faculty safe.
Facilities Management was in the process of installing a new boiler when they found asbestos materials. They immediately called Brennan’s Peb, [...]"

jeudi 29 janvier 2009

Possible Mesothelioma Risk from Worcester, Massachusetts Downtown Building

"According to information released by the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General, a Grand Jury has finally indicted Mayo Group Development LLC for the improper removal of asbestos in a downtown Worcester building.
The incident goes back as far as February 2007, which was when employees from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) noticed debris [...]"

mercredi 28 janvier 2009

Closed Asbestos Mine May Lower Property Values in Vermont

"Closed Asbestos Mine May Lower Property Values in Vermont
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Recent Update on Mesothelioma Treatment Oncanase

"The Alfacell Corporation recently attended a pre-NDA meeting with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to discuss the final steps needed for the New Drug Application (NDA) of Oncanase.
During the meeting, the FDA asked for another clinical trial to be performed on unresectable malignant mesothelioma patients that have previously failed a different chemotherapy [...]"

Asbestos Found in Ohio School

"Asbestos was found in a Columbus, Ohio school due to flooding that was the result of a pipe bursting that occurred at the school last week. A letter was sent home to parents of Moler Elementary School students on Tuesday explaining the flooding and the reasoning for it but the letter made no mention [...]" (2009-1-28)

Motel Owner Allegedly Violated Asbestos Regulations

"The owner of a motel in Peru, Illinois has recently been accused by the Attorney General’s office of Illinois of violating regulations relating to the proper disposal of asbestos-containing materials. The state of Illinois is seeking fines from motel owner Mukesh Patel in the LaSalle County Circuit Court totaling thousands of dollars.
Patel is accused [...]"

Radiologist Accused of Asbestos-Related Fraud Wants Lawsuit Dropped

"A radiologist that has been accused of making money off of fraudulent asbestos diagnoses is now asking a judge to drop a recent civil suit filed against him. Attorneys for the company that filed the lawsuit, CSX Rail Company, allege that the X-rays provided by Dr. Ray Harron whom resides in West Virginia that [...]" (2009-1-28)

mardi 27 janvier 2009

Biological fate of asbestos in the lungs

"Fibrous Morphology: A Chief Determinant of the Biological Fate of Asbestos in the Lungs
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Future Mesothelioma Risks Should Decrease with Advancements in Asbestos Abatement

"With the green movement in full force, companies such as GLOBAL Encasement, Inc. have begun making environmentally friendly products that are designed to manage hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead-based paint, mold and mildew.
GLOBAL Encasement, Inc. is a Pro Planet Positive Company that manufactures high quality, fully tested and approved, Class A Fire Rated protective coatings [...]"

Mesa, Ariz. charter school settles asbestos violations with the EPA

"Noah Webster Basic School in Mesa, Arizona has settled allegations with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the charter school did not establish an asbestos management plan or perform proper asbestos inspections as required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act. EPA inspectors discovered the problems in April 2007. Since then, the school " (2009-1-27)

lundi 26 janvier 2009

Study Finds New Chemotherapies to be Ineffective in Fighting Asbestos-Related Cancer

"Study Finds New Chemotherapies to be Ineffective in Fighting Asbestos-Related Cancer
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Connecticut Residents Want Asbestos Contaminated Soil Trucked out of Town

"Connecticut Residents Want Asbestos Contaminated Soil Trucked out of Town
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Ohio Department Store to be Rid of Asbestos

"The Freedlander’s Department Store located is Wooster, Ohio will soon be rid of asbestos in order for the building to be demolished. State and federal funds totaling $662,000 are being provided for the project which is set to begin in approximately one month.
According to the city of Wooster’s assistant to the director of administration [...]"

Iowa Courthouse Asbestos Removal Project to Begin Today

"Starting today the Polk County Courthouse in Des Moines, Iowa will begin to be rid of asbestos-containing materials. The estimated cost of the asbestos removal in the 102 year old building is expected to be around $200,000.
Many older buildings contain asbestos as the substance was often used in a number of building materials during [...]"

Asbestos Removed from Rock Island Armory

"Asbestos has recently been removed from the Armory located in Rock Island, Iowa in order to make way for the new Armory Park. The demolition of the old building is now set to begin in the near future.
Asbestos is present in many older buildings due to the vast use of asbestos in building materials [...]"

Mesothelioma Cases Remain High for Military Veterans Exposed to Asbestos

"The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs stated that out of the millions of veterans who have served the country, hundreds of thousands have been exposed to asbestos during their service. Regarded as one of many coverups jointly executed by corporations and government, it appears that the asbestos scandal still has not reached its climax.
Widely used [...]"

City Of Buffalo, NY Charging $1,000 In Asbestos Notification Fees

"The city of Buffalo, New York has angered many of its residents by implementing a $1,000 “asbestos notification fee,” which must be paid by city residents who locate asbestos that will need to undergo abatement. According to city officials, the state does “virtually nothing” to warrant the high fee.
Buffalo Chief of Inspections James Comerford said [...]"

vendredi 23 janvier 2009

Plant insulation company pays record settlement

"Plant Insulation Company Pays Out Record Settlement
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Conflict surrounds New York co-op asbestos abatement

"Conflict Surrounds Bell Park Garden Co-op
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Asbestos Concerns Close Texas Church

"A church located in La Feria, Texas has recently closed due to concerns regarding asbestos. The dangerous substance was discovered underneath tiles in the church and now members are worried that asbestos fibers may be released into the air.
Exposure to asbestos fibers may lead to the development of any one of a number of [...]"

Asbestos to be Removed at Pennsylvania High School

"After accepting bids on the asbestos removal project for the Mid-West High School located in Beaver Springs, Pennsylvania back in December the school district has finally approved an asbestos removal plan. Asbestos must be removed buy a licensed contractor in order to prevent exposure to the dangerous fibers.
Exposure to asbestos fibers has a significant [...]"

Mesothelioma victims welcome dedicated asbestos center in Sydney

"Two years after Australian asbestos activist Bernie Banton died of mesothelioma, a new dedicated asbestos research and treatment center in Sydney will bear his name. The Bernie Banton Centre located at Sydney’s Concord Hospital is claimed to be the largest stand-alone institute in the world dedicated to research on asbestos diseases.
Kevin Rudd, Australia’s Prime "

jeudi 22 janvier 2009

Landmark Asbestos Study Underway in Australia

"Landmark Asbestos Study Underway in Australia
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Asbestos-Related Lawsuit Filed in Texas

"An asbestos-related lawsuit was recently filed in Texas by a man and his spouse naming fifty-eight defendant corporations as being responsible for the husband’s development of a disease caused by asbestos. Joseph A. Headley and Lisa R. Headley filed the lawsuit in the Jefferson County District Court of Texas on January 13th.
In the suit [...]"

Asbestos Precautions Taken During Austin Fire Investigation and Cleanup

"Precautions are being taken by cleanup crews and investigators entering the buildings in downtown Austin, Texas that were burned as a result of the recent fire that broke out. Officials are worried about asbestos exposure and are requiring anyone entering the building to wear the proper protective face masks and respirators.
Asbestos exposure has been [...]"

Tennessee City Receives Grant From EPA

"The city of Chattanooga, Tennessee has recently received a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency totaling $200,000 to be used for asbestos-related training. The city will use the money to train individuals in asbestos cleanup of contaminated properties that will be redeveloped into community assets.
Asbestos-containing materials must be safely removed and properly disposed of [...]"

Mesothelioma Victims in Libby Anxiously Await Decision

"Montana Senator Max Baucus recently announced that Lisa Jackson, Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, has already promised to visit Libby, Montana as long as her position is confirmed by Congress.
The town of Libby is the site where W.R. Grace & Company operated a toxic vermiculite mine that was contaminated with asbestos. [...]"

Asbestos Contaminated Land Seminar

"Organised by the BOHS London & South East Region, to be held in London, February 25. The UK has a legacy of former industrial sites that are potentially contaminated with asbestos leaving future occupants at possible risk of exposure. This seminar will examine problems in assessing the risk of asbestos – is there asbestos, where is [...]" (2009-1-22)

Hospice care for cancer patients | Hopice care for mesothelioma patients

"Hospice care for cancer patients
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Firms exposing workers to asbestos will be penalised

"HSE is warning that firms exposing untrained workers to asbestos would be penalised. This move follows the HSE prosecution of a West Bromwich firm for failing to ensure that adequate information, instruction and training was given to its employees.
View firms exposing workers to asbestos will be penalised press release

mercredi 21 janvier 2009

Chesapeake Middle School Students Exposed to Asbestos

"Chesapeake Middle School Students Exposed to Asbestos
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Asbestos Study to be Conducted at Elmira Carriage House

"A study has been approved to be conducted at the Ritz Carriage House in Elmira, New York in order to determine if asbestos is present in the building. Approval for the study came from the City Council last night and now officials are saying that the building could be demolished by the end of [...]" (2009-1-21)

Additional Materials That May Contain Asbestos Illegally Dumped in Tennessee

"Additional waste that may possibly contain asbestos has been dumped at a second location in Shelbyville, Tennessee. The site is located on Warners Bridge Road. The owner of the property, Steve F. Smith, claims that his actions are legal but environmental officials are concerned that the waste may contain asbestos.
Asbestos-containing materials have been [...]"

University Studies Molecular Relationship of Asbestos and Human Cells

"Ohio State University is in the process of conducting a study that will help researchers to better understand the relationship between human cells and asbestos fibers. The object of the study is to attempt to come up with a treatment for those individuals who have developed either mesothelioma or one of the many other [...]" (2009-1-21)

Arizona School Fined Over Asbestos Violations

"A school located in Mesa, Arizona has recently been fined for a number of violations having to do with asbestos. Noah Webster Basic School, which houses students from pre-kindergarten to sixth grade, was fined a total amount of $2,400.
The fines the charter school received stem from the school officials failing to have [...]"

Ohio Senior Center Closed Due to Asbestos

"Due to flooding that occurred as the result of a water pipe busting on January 16th the Partners in Prime senior center located in Hamilton, Ohio had to be closed due to asbestos concerns. As of yesterday those that work and attend the senior center were still waiting for the Butler County Health Department [...]" (2009-1-21)

Mesothelioma Treatment Expected to Improve with Australia’s New Asbestos Institute

"The world’s largest asbestos disease and research institute, named in honor of Bernie Banton, has officially been opened in Sydney, Australia. The centre’s actual title is the Bernie Banton Centre at Sydney’s Concord Hospital.
Mr. Banton, who passed away from mesothelioma in 2007, was an outspoken asbestos-related disease campaigner. One of his most noted accomplishments was [...]"

Pretrial hearings this week in W.R. Grace criminal trial

"Pretrial hearings begin today in the federal courthouse in Missoula, Montana where W.R. Grace and six of its current and former executives will stand trial next month on criminal charges related to the widespread asbestos exposure that has caused so much illness and death in the small town of Libby, Montana.
The charges, "

Asbestos Liaison Group (ALG)

"The Agenda for the 25th meeting of the Asbestos Liaison Group (ALG) being held on the 22 January is now available. The ALG is a forum of key stakeholders that works together in a constructive way to promote best standards and practice in relation to control and work with asbestos.
Asbestos Liaison Group (ALG)

mardi 20 janvier 2009

In Des Moines, Parents Left in the Dark about Asbestos Issue

"In Des Moines, Parents Left in the Dark about Asbestos Issue
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Threat of Mesothelioma Continues as Canada Exports Asbestos

"While many countries around the world have promoted countless bans on asbestos, Canada has yet to stop exporting the toxic substance to several developing countries, including India, Pakistan, and Vietnam.
As a result, the people living in these countries will unfortunately be fighting the same asbestos war that Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom [...]"

University Of Oklahoma Renovations Delayed Due To Asbestos

"The renovations expected to begin soon on a building located on the University of Oklahoma campus have been delayed due to the necessity of asbestos abatement prior to the start of the project. Gould Hall is home of the University’s College of Architecture which has been temporarily relocated to a building on West Main [...]" (2009-1-20)

Asbestos Discovered in Connecticut Prison

"Asbestos has recently been discovered in a Connecticut prison and officials are trying to determine whether or not inmates will have to be relocated during the abatement of the dangerous substance. The asbestos found is located in insulation that was used to cover the duct work located in Manson Youth Institute prisoner housing located [...]" (2009-1-20)

Asbestos to be Removed From Berkeley Lake City Hall

"Asbestos will soon be removed from the old city hall building in Berkeley Lake, Georgia in preparation for the construction of a new building. Saturday ground was broken for the new project at 11:00 a.m.
An amount of $3,000 was approved by the city council on Thursday to be used for the testing, and abatement [...]"

Asbestos cleanup will cost Pueblo County, Colorado $6.6 million

"Pueblo County, Colorado has spent well over $6 million on clearing asbestos contamination from the site of a former cold storage building that burned in 2007. The owner should have had the site cleaned up after the fire, but he refused and the county took possession of the property. The site will be " (2009-1-20)

New Asbestos Liaison Group memo issued

"‘How to draw up a plan of work (aka method statement)’ - This memo amends the previous version (ALG Memo 01/08), which should be destroyed. This revision has been produced to incorporate changes to the requirement to submit a plan of work.
Asbestos Liaison Group memos issued

lundi 19 janvier 2009

Mesothelioma Study Examines How Asbestos Exposure Causes Disease

"In an attempt to develop treatment for mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases, researchers at Ohio State University are studying the molecular relationship between asbestos fibers and human cells.
The researchers are using atomic force microscopy to observe how a single asbestos fiber reacts with specific receptor proteins on cell surfaces. When the study is completed, they [...]"

Asbestos Mine, Associated Deaths, Raise Ire of Vermont Residents

"Asbestos Mine, Associated Deaths, Raise Ire of Vermont Residents
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In Colorado, Cost Overruns Delay Asbestos Abatement

"In Colorado, Cost Overruns Delay Asbestos Abatement
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vendredi 16 janvier 2009

Mesothelioma Risk Results in $96,000 Fine for Arizona State University

"As a result of the 2006 asbestos violations that occurred on campus, Arizona State University (ASU) has recently carried out the second of five seminars pertaining to an extensive asbestos education program. The meetings are specifically designed to cover the proper techniques of handling asbestos-containing materials.
In addition to being ordered to conduct the seminars, ASU [...]"

The Ohio EPA has approved asbestos cleanup at Springfield brownfield

"The City of Springfield, Ohio has completed asbestos cleanup at a downtown property to the satisfaction of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, which has agreed that it will not sue in the future over environmental contamination at the site. The former Haucke complex on E. Main St. and Plum St. was most recently a " (2009-1-16)

Economic cost of cancer in the U.S. exceeds $100 billion per year

"Cancer Deaths Come at a High Price for the United States
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jeudi 15 janvier 2009

Cancer Research May Exclude Older Patients

"Cancer Research May Exclude Older Cancer Patients
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Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer

"Cancer Treatment and Research at the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute
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EPA Awards Gary, Indiana With Environmental Grant

"The Environmental Protection Agency has recently awarded the city of Gary, Indiana an environmental grant that will be used, among other things, to train individuals in the safe removal of asbestos-containing materials. The amount of the grant totals $200,000 and will help the city to train up to seventy-five individuals who wish to train [...]" (2009-1-15)

Asbestos Removed From Alabama School Gym

"Asbestos has been removed from a barn used as a school gymnasium on the grounds of the East Limestone High School located in Athens, Alabama and demolition of the building is now complete. The cost of the asbestos removal to the school district totaled $3,800 and was required to be completed prior to the [...]" (2009-1-15)

Organizations in the United Kingdom Fined for Asbestos Exposure

"The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has prosecuted two prominent organizations in the United Kingdom for exposing young people to asbestos.
According to the HSE, the City of Bristol College and Barton Hill Settlement (a Bristol-based charity), pleaded guilty to the court for breaching the Health and Safety at Work Act. Both organizations were prosecuted after [...]"

Court Sets Bar Date for Canada’s W.R. Grace Claims

"W.R. Grace & Company has finally established a fund that will provide payment for those filing valid Zonolite Attic Insulation claims in Canada. In order to preserve a claim against W.R. Grace, the claim must be filed on or before August 31, 2009.
However, this date does not concern medical monitoring claims, non-asbestos claims, settled pre-petition [...]"

ADAO announces asbestos awareness award recipients

"The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) has announced this year’s honorees for outstanding work toward asbestos awareness. The awards will be presented at the ADAO’s Fifth Annual Asbestos Awareness Day Conference, which takes place in Manhattan Beach, California March 27-29, 2009.
At the March conference, ADAO will honor United States Senator Barbara Boxer with "

mercredi 14 janvier 2009

Experimental mesothelioma treatment being developed in Germany

"Mesothelioma, an aggressive, asbestos-related cancer that can attack the membranes surrounding the heart, lungs or abdomen, is generally difficult to treat. A doctor in Frankfurt is exploring the use of chemoembolization to treat mesothelioma, and anecdotally, the treatment has shown some promise.
Dr. Thomas Vogl has studied the use of chemoembolization to treat "

Mesothelioma study will not suffer from U of Minnesota budget cuts

"The University of Minnesota is facing a $20 million budget cut, reducing operating budgets for academic and support programs throughout the university. But the unversity’s partnership with the Mayo Clinic and the current mesothelioma research will not be hit by the budget cuts. The university had been entrusted with researching the high " (2009-1-14)

mardi 13 janvier 2009

Mesothelioma Still a Risk for Australian Sailors

"According to a recent report by the Australian Defence Force (ADF), thousands of sailors have likely been exposed to the toxic mineral asbestos. This is largely due to the fact that the navy has continued to use asbestos-contaminated parts even though they were banned many years ago.
Estimates reveal that nearly 250,000 parts currently held in [...]"

Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center

"Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center
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lundi 12 janvier 2009

New Treatments Being Developed for Asbestos-Related Cancer

"New Treatments Being Developed for Asbestos-Related Cancer
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Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center

"Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
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Reasons to File a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

"The filing of a mesothelioma lawsuit is typically an attempt to recover damages that are associated with the contraction of the disease. In many cases, those that file a lawsuit are seeking compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Family members will sometimes file a lawsuit for the wrongful death of [...]" (2009-1-12)

Michigan Firefighter, Age 56, Dies Of Mesothelioma Cancer

"According to the Kalamazoo Gazette, a 25-year veteran of the Portage, Michigan fire department, Brad Wilson, has passed away on December 29th following a battle with mesothelioma cancer. Wilson was 56 years old.
Wilson, who lived in Oshtemo Township, had served with the Portage Fire Department since his early thirties. In June of 2008, Wilson’s [...]"

Mesothelioma kills Michigan firefighter at 56

"Brad Wilson, a firefighter from Oshtemo Township, Michigan has died of mesothelioma at the age of 56. He spent over 25 years working with the Portage Fire Department.
Asbestos exposure is a significant risk to firefighters. When older buildings are damaged by fire, asbestos-containing materials inside can release fibers into the air, "

Mesothelioma drug inventor donates $1 million to research

"Edward C. Taylor, inventor of Alimta, the most effective mesothelioma drug discovered so far, was drawn to chemistry as a student at New York’s Hamilton College in the 1940s. Now, he and his wife have donated $1 million to support chemistry research at Hamilton College by establishing The Edward and Virginia Taylor Fund for " (2009-1-12)

dimanche 11 janvier 2009

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center

"The University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center Offers Patient Care and Research Facilities
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vendredi 9 janvier 2009

Asbestos abatement resumes on former factory site

"Asbestos abatement resumes on former West Virginia factory site
Moundsville, WV - The abatement of asbestos from a former factory has resumed after nearly an eight month hiatus.
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jeudi 8 janvier 2009

Preventing Mesothelioma Through Proper Removal of Asbestos

"For those that have asbestos-containing materials in their home and wish to have them removed, choosing to hire a certified asbestos abatement contractor to perform the work is the safest available option. Though there are steps homeowners can follow to carry out the project themselves, it is not recommended due to hazardous nature of asbestos.
Even [...]"

Illinois former hotel owner to pay $30,000 in asbestos fines

"Vithalbhai Patel, owner of a now-demolished Howard Johnson Express Inn in Collinsville, Illinois, has agreed to pay $30,000 to settle a 2007 complaint filed by the Illinois Attorney General. The complaint alleges that Patel allowed asbestos to be removed illegally from the hotel during demolition three years ago. If it approves the settlement, " (2009-1-8)

Virginia Middle School Reopens After Asbestos Scare

"The Virginia middle school that closed earlier this week due to elevated levels of asbestos in the air has reopened today due to additional testing that proved that the air was clear of asbestos. The ten additional air quality tests that were conducted at the Crestwood Middle School in Chesapeake, Virginia yesterday led to [...]" (2009-1-8)

Funds Confiscated From Mississippi District Attorney Involved In Asbestos Suit Briberies

"$425,000 has recently been confiscated from former District Attorney of Hinds County Ed Peters. The money is alleged to be linked to an asbestos-related judicial bribery investigation that Peters is thought to have been involved in.
The money that was confiscated to be held by the U.S. Marshals Service was paid by the firm [...]"

Asbestos Contaminated Land Seminar

"Society of Chemical Industry, London, February 25 2009 – 10:00-17:00. Organised by the British Occupational Hygiene Society London & South East Region, This seminar will examine problems in assessing the risk of asbestos – is there asbestos, where is it, how much is there, and how do we assess future risk?
Find out more about the asbestos [...]"

mercredi 7 janvier 2009

Fitchburg, Massachusetts school officials admit asbestos hazards

"School officials ‘Fess Up' to Asbestos Hazard
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Desert Winds Disperse Arsenic, Other Toxins From Former California Mines

"The abandoned golf and silver mines near Randsburg, California have been closed for over a century, but a variety of dangerous materials, including arsenic and asbestos, have been found in dust and soil samples.
Tests revealed “some of the highest arsenic levels in the country,” according to Randsburg officials. In fact, the levels here are estimated [...]"

Asbestos To Be Removed At Dobbs Ferry High School

"Asbestos is in the process of being removed at the Dobbs Ferry High School in Dobbs Ferry, New York. The school district is spending approximately $23,000 to remove the dangerous substance in the high school’s auditorium. The removal is necessary due to the fact that asbestos-containing materials located in the auditorium have recently [...]" (2009-1-7)

School In Mount Vernon Closes Temporarily Due to Asbestos

"The Mount Vernon School District has recently hired an environmental service company to complete testing for and abatement of asbestos found in two special education classrooms at the A.B. Davis Middle School located in Mount Vernon, New York. The district decided to close the school after testing done by Niche Analysis proved that asbestos, [...]" (2009-1-7)

Asbestos Discovered At Western Washington University

"A number of Western Washington University Students will not be able to return to their dorm rooms located at the school in Bellingham, Washington after Christmas Break due to flooding and the discovery of asbestos-containing materials. Students returning to the Gamma Hall dormitory will be faced with having to attempt to save some of [...]" (2009-1-7)

Asbestos Mine Meeting Rescheduled

"The public meetings regarding the Lowell and Eden asbestos mines in Vermont that were originally supposed to take place last month have now been rescheduled for next week. The two meetings were canceled due to inclement weather conditions and postponed until a later date.
Now the state of Vermont Health Department is preparing [...]"

Mesothelioma Continuing to Make an Impact on Shipyard Industry

"Shipyard workers and shipbuilders were routinely exposed to asbestos-containing materials from the beginning of World War II through the 1980s. At the time, asbestos was thought to be an ideal material to use because of its resistance to corrosion and ability to withstand high temperatures. However, the side effects of exposure are strongly being felt [...]" (2009-1-7)

mardi 6 janvier 2009

Cancer treatment errors happen more than commonly known

"Cancer treatment errors happen more than commonly known
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Trailer Tips and Leaves Behind Asbestos-Contaminated Dirt

"Colorado State Patrol is searching for the driver of a tractor trailer that tipped and left behind dirt contaminated with asbestos this past Friday at approximately 2:45 in the afternoon. The driver of the trailer who was apparently speeding allegedly fled the scene and has yet to be found.
Due to safety issues [...]"

Asbestos Study To Be Completed at South Dakota Airport

"The asbestos study being conducted at the Sioux Falls Regional Airport Authority located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is scheduled to be completed on January 12th. Following the study and subsequent asbestos abatement a $7 million dollar renovation on various parts of the airport will begin.
Asbestos-containing materials must first be removed from the building [...]"

Asbestos Discovered In Oklahoma Elementary School

"Some students in Oklahoma were unable to return to classes following the holiday break in their own school today due to an issue related to hazardous materials. Asbestos was found in the Adams Elementary School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma yesterday and now the school has been closed until further notice is provided.
Officials for the [...]"

New York State Middle School Leak Creates Asbestos Hazard for Students

"New York State Middle School Leak Creates Asbestos Hazard for Students
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Sunoco refinery in Westville, NJ faces substantial repeat asbestos fines

"The Sunoco oil refinery in Westville, New Jersey has been cited by OSHA for 34 health and safety violations. Nine of the citations are for repeat violations, many involving the labeling and safe handling of asbestos. OSHA proposed $200,000 in fines for these repeat violations and an additional $105,000 for 25 other serious " (2009-1-6)

MicrRNA-based mesothelioma test available from Rosetta Genomics

"Rosetta Genomics has announced that its microRNA-based test to diagnose mesothelioma is now commercially available to physicians. This molecularly based test is intended to help doctors in distinguishing between lung cancer and mesothelioma. The test is called miRview™ meso and is Rosetta Genomics’ third molecular diagnostic test to go on the market. " (2009-1-6)

lundi 5 janvier 2009

New Test To Distinguish Mesothelioma From Other Forms Of Lung Cancer

"A new test will soon be offered by Rosetta Genomics that will be able to distinguish asbestos-caused malignant pleural mesothelioma from lung cancer. The miRview™meso test is a MicroRNA-based diagnostic test that will allow doctors to rule out the possibility of mesothelioma in those individuals that have been exposed to asbestos-containing materials.
Exposure to asbestos [...]"

Sons File Asbestos Lawsuit Following Father’s Death

"An asbestos-related lawsuit has recently been filed in the Jefferson County District Court of Texas by four brothers who claim that their father’s recent death due to mesothelioma was wrongfully caused by Chevron and Gulf Oil. According to the lawsuit Gliese Bergeron developed mesothelioma as a result of his employment with Chevron and Gulf [...]" (2009-1-5)

Ford Drops Appeal Against Asbestos Compensation

"An Australian man who filed an asbestos claim against Ford Motor Company and was awarded damages found out last week that Ford intends to drop its appeal against the compensation battle. Antonio Lo Presti found out the good news on Christmas Eve but feels that Ford could have broke the news earlier in order [...]" (2009-1-5)

Woman Files Asbestos-Related Suit in Jefferson County

"A woman has recently filed an asbestos-related lawsuit on behalf of her late benefactor in the Jefferson County District Court in Texas. In the suit Shirley Osborne names 23 defendant corporations as being responsible for the death of Michael Osborne. Included in the corporations named is A.O. Smith Corp.
Asbestos was commonly used in [...]"

Asbestos to be Removed at Mississippi Courthouse

"The Lamar County Courthouse located in Purvis, Mississippi will undergo asbestos abatement starting in the summer of 2009. According to County Administrator Chuck Bennett workers will be relocated from the 104 year old building to alternative buildings to conduct their services while the abatement project is in progress.
The courthouse was constructed during a time [...]"

Updated Information on University of Minnesota’s Mesothelioma Study

"The University of Minnesota recently gave an update on their five-year study involving the Iron Range and its relationship to mesothelioma. The presentation on the $4.9 million project of the rate of lung cancer among taconite miners was held on Thursday at the Mountain Iron Community Center.
In partnership with the Minnesota Department of Health and [...]"

Pennsylvania AG investigates dumping at Essoc Cement

"After a representative of Essroc Cement Corp. discovered 22 tons of demolition waste at the company’s plant in Nazareth, Pennsylvania and reported the dumping to police, the Pennsylvania AG got interested. The debris came from a burned Newark school that was being cleaned up. Authorities fear the waste may contain asbestos and other " (2009-1-5)

vendredi 2 janvier 2009

How Asbestos Exposure Affects the Body and Causes Mesothelioma

"The naturally occurring mineral asbestos was used in a variety of construction materials throughout much of the twentieth century. This unique mineral is fire-resistant and acts as an excellent insulator. Because to these qualities, manufacturers of construction materials mixed asbestos into paints, glues, cements, fiberboard, insulation, roofing, siding, flooring, and paper in order to enrich [...]" (2009-1-2)

Colorado developer indicted for asbestos violations

"Richard Oliver, a developer from Aurora, Colorado, has been indicted on allegations that in the first half of 2008 he had untrained workers performing asbestos removal at his renovation projects and then tried to get one of the workers to lie to the grand jury about what happened. The felony counts include knowing endangerment, " (2009-1-2)

Scientists develop nanotube technology to fight cancer cells

"Nanotube Technology Used To Fight Cancer Cells
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jeudi 1 janvier 2009

Study Shows Brief Inhibition of Cancer Cells is Effective

"Study Shows Brief Inhibition of Cancer Cells is Effective
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